Raised bed gardening for beginners is a technique that uses the concept of raised beds- beds that are made above the ground level or above the soil in the surrounding. Raised beds are covered with box-like frames. This gives support in terms of structure. This also prevents soil erosion. Garden vegetables can be grown in raised beds. Tomatoes, green vegetables, cucumbers, beans, and other vegetables can be grown in raised beds. Those vegetables that need a lot of space cannot grow well in raised beds. Raised bed gardening for beginners is easy to maintain. Raised bed gardening for beginners is an easy way to learn gardening. Raised bed gardening is a boon for people who do not have much soil. Raised bed gardening for beginners can be done by using some tips. Raised bed gardening tips for beginners include constructing walls properly around the raised bed, using organic compost along with garden soil, and mulching the soil. Raised bed gardening is a great hobby. It is important to water the raised bed garden properly. There should be proper drainage also. Raised bed gardens are better than planting in the ground because weeds have less chance to grow in raised gardens. Raised bed gardens are free from weeds. Raised beds yield better crops than planting in the ground. These look good and you can decorate them in whatever way you want.
Image source: pinterest.com
Tomatoes are the best vegetables to grow in raised bed gardens. Tomato plants require heat and sunlight. The soil in raised beds becomes warm quickly, so growing tomatoes is a great idea.
Bush tomatoes require less space to grow. So, these are good option to grow in raised bed gardens. For vine tomatoes, you can use a trellis to support the plants around the raised bed gardens. Tomatoes have long roots- so these get better space in raised bed gardens. So, growing tomatoes in raised beds is beneficial and impactful. You get better soil, better and healthier harvest, and longer seasons. The plant health is also better.
Tomatoes need a lot of water- so the soil needs to be moist. But don’t make it waterlogged. Don’t let the tomato plants dry out. Compost is needed for tomato plants. Some tomatoes require pruning while some do not.
Image source: pinterest.com
There are many benefits of raised bed gardens for vegetables. The first and most important benefit of raised bed gardens is that these require less space. So, if there is a shortage of space and ground, you can go for raised bed gardening. Raised bed gardening for beginners is beneficial because they are starting to learn gardening using a technique in which they have to build the raised bed, add soil, and nutrients, and do everything required to maintain it. The yield at the end is like a reward for their beginner efforts. Raised bed gardening tips for beginners are that you have to choose the right location, water properly, allow proper drainage, and use compost.
Another benefit of raised bed gardening is that you can choose better and good quality soil for it than the usual ground soil. Soil for raised bed gardens can be made by mixing garden soil and compost. Raised bed gardens are not meant for walking. So, this makes the soil better for air and water movement.
Raised bed gardens do not have weeds. It is easy to control pests in these gardens. Watering these gardens is easier. Overall, maintenance is easier. Drainage is better with raised bed gardens.
Another benefit is that because the surface is raised, you don’t have to bend while watering the plants. Your back and knees will not get affected by this. This increases functionality and convenience.
Root vegetables are a great option for raised bed gardening. The roots of the plants get better space and growth.
Image source: pinterest.com
If you want to unlock the potential of a raised bed garden, then you have to first look for a location where you can construct a raised bed for gardening. The location should be full of sunlight. Then, build support or wall around the raised bed garden. The soil around the raised bed garden should be free of weeds. You can make the soil free of weeds by using weed control materials. Mulching the soil around will also help. The soil should be high in nutrients. Choosing the right crops that can grow in raised beds is also important.
The raised bed garden can be made beautiful by painting the walls. Raised bed gardening allows you to have control over growing conditions. You don’t have to depend on ground soil for growing plants. In raised bed gardening, you can use the type of soil you want and you can control other growing conditions. By this gardening, you can provide spacing to different crops and there would be no competition for space and nutrients. You can reuse big planters to use in raised garden beds.
Read Also: A Beginner's Guide to Growing Indoor Water Plant
Image source: pinterest.com
A patio is an area behind the house where you can sit and relax. A patio area is also called a patio garden when it is used for gardening. Raised bed garden can be made in the patio area. You can make a raised bed garden yourself. It is like a DIY thing. You can use wood and blocks to make the raised bed. Then, fill it up with soil mix. And then, add an irrigation system.
There are some websites that sell raised bed gardens for patios. Thus, you don't need to develop it yourself. These are gardeners.com, homedepot.com, shop.epicgardening.com, walmart.com, keter.com, and others. You can get planter boxes and trellises here. These can be made up of wood, cedar, fence, steel, plastic, and other materials. You can find raised bed gardening mostly practiced in the USA and Europe.
By Bhawna