Part 1 Overview Basement Hydroponic LED Garden Tour

Part 1  Overview  Basement Hydroponic LED Garden Tour

A quick introductory tour of the basement garden before planting. Shows the layout of all of the growing sections with a brief description of each.
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Basic layout in the 13ft x 40ft basement contains a rockwool slab section with drip irrigation for long term crops like tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers. As well as a propagation/seedling table, 3 NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) tables and a table for hydroponic strawberry plants, setup under drip irrigation on rockwool slabs.

The LED grow lights are of my own design, something that I’ve been working on for a few years now and for which was awarded a US Patent.

Stay tuned for more videos which will describe each part of the garden in detail.

Thanks for watching!
