Container Garden TIPS Vegetable Gardening on Deck Patio Watermelon Herbs Tomatoes Totes & Pot Plants

Container Garden TIPS Vegetable Gardening on Deck Patio Watermelon Herbs Tomatoes Totes & Pot Plants

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Growing Food in Small space Modern Homesteading and vertical gardening on a Deck, Balcony or Patio, in Container Gardening, storage totes, bucket, flora pots and flower pots. Totes set up like mini raised bed garden, easy to maintain, easy to grab food right out the door. Growing lots of tomatoes, Parsley, Lettuce, Mint, Malabar Spinach, green sorrel, basil, sage, purple basil, greens, kale, Swiss Chard, dill, papalo, watermelon, cucumbers, Korean melons, carrots, stevia, oregano, roselle red, onions, walking onions, garlic chives, onion chives and more. AND hummingbird feeders everywhere. The Easiest FOOD Vegetable Garden you can set up and Grow and compost in place for free plant food. Not enough time to do what I want, as I now have so many other gardens, but even though, all I do is water these plants and let them do their thing, giving us plenty of added food for the kitchen.

This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last all year outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5575376117&toolid=10001&campid=5338267736&customid=&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2FTulle-Fabric-Bolt-54-X40yds-Wedding-Bridal-Party-Favor-Decoration-Tutu-Craft%2F381670793265%3Fvar%3D650737116165

Here are the 18 gallon totes used in my gardens as raised beds, I have been buying them from Walmart Grocery with my groceries so I do not have to leave the house, Ebay too has them cheap with free shipping, so here is an aff. link so you can check them out: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5575376117&toolid=10001&campid=5338267736&customid=&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F8-Plastic-Storage-Containers-Box-Sterilite-18-Gallon-Stackable-Bin-Tote-Lid-Set%2F172530224234



#compostinplace #containergardening #raisedbedgarden
