Gardening ideas in sri lanka

Gardening ideas in sri lanka

Ever thought about transforming your front or backyard into your own little paradise? Find inspiration from these beautiful garden designs from around the world.

The love for beauty and nature – this is what Sri Lankans are known for, and throughout the years, landscaping designs in Sri Lanka have been influenced by diverse cultures from different periods in time. From plants to irrigation systems, every region of this island nation has been influenced by the designs of the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the British. Gardening ideas from ancient Sri Lanka have an influence as well.

In this article, we discuss landscaping ideas inspired by different countries. Each nation has a unique way of laying out flower beds and using ornaments as accent pieces. All create eye-catching gardens. Work your creativity and green thumb to extend the beauty of your house into an aesthetically pleasing outdoor area using the tips and tricks from these garden design ideas.
