How To Share Plants | Gardening Hacks | Gardening Australia

How To Share Plants | Gardening Hacks | Gardening Australia

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Whether you’re dividing plants, taking cuttings or sending seedlings to friends in the post, if you want to share plants the right way Jerry’s got you covered.

Filmed on Yuggera Country

1. Dividing Plants
This is simply a matter of splitting a plant up into parts, and works best with strappy plants that form clumps or plants that ‘layer’ by growing new roots where their branches or stems touch the ground.
Jerry has a Mexican tarragon that layers, so he digs up one of the new, secondary plants.
The rootball can be potted up straight away or stored in a bucket of diluted seaweed solution for up to half a day – until your friend or neighbour has time to plant it at home. Keep the moisture up to the plant while it settles in.

2. Taking and storing cuttings
Cuttings are sections of a plant that can be placed in potting mix until new roots form; some plants are better suited to this than others.

What you need:
Plants to take cuttings from
Sharp, sterilised secateurs, loppers or pruning saw
Plastic ziplock bags
Elastic bands

What you do:
Jerry takes cuttings of Cassava ‘Variegata’ and Coleus.
Water the plants the night before and take cuttings in the cool part of the next day, using sharp, sterilized tools.
To prepare the coleus cutting, Jerry removes the lower leaves, wrap the entire cutting in newspaper and place the wrapped cutting into a ziplock bag, then seal.
For the Cassava, jerry only uses the old grey wood, so he trims off the top, cuts it into finger-length sections and wraps these in newspaper, secured with elastic bands.
No plastic bag is used, as these cuttings need to dry for a few days before being planted.

3. Sending plants by Post
Before posting any plant material, there are some important rules to remember:
Never attempt to import plant material from overseas
Make sure the plant you’re sending is not an environmental weed in its intended destination
Always check the Australian Interstate Quarantine Website; WA and Tasmania, in particular, have very strict bans in place.

Jerry prepares some Burn Jelly plants for posting.
What you’ll need:
Wide packing tape
A suitable-sized box
Marker pen

What you do:
Make sure it’s well rooted in its pot, to help contain the potting mix.
Place tape over the potting mix to stop it falling out.
Put scrunched up newspaper in the base of the box to help support the plants and keep them in place.
Lie the pots in the box. Tape the pot to the inside of the box, if possible, to stop it moving around.
Cover the plants with more scrunched up newspaper.

Seal the box, address and post. Always post on a Monday to avoid the plants being delayed in a delivery centre over the weekend.

If you receive plants in the mail, top up any missing potting mix, give a good watering. Get them in some fresh air but not in full sun; place them in a sheltered, shady spot until they recover, and slowly introduce to more light.

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