Black Point Estate & Gardens/Shade Garden Design

Black Point Estate & Gardens/Shade Garden Design

The subtleties of a shade garden driven by Carex.

How can I plant a shade garden? Here’s one way. Invite Carex that you have come to know to cover the soil. Placing varying percentages of a variety of plants with them that have compatible establishment characteristics. Your planting will not be perfect or perfectly right when observed by others but to you, it’s a satisfying, thoughtful beginning. Continue gardening the planting with the naturalness of your expression. And have Fun!

De Wit Garden Tools http://.dewittoolsusa.com
Simple Food Group http://simplefoodgroup.com/
Northwind Perennial Farm http://northwindperennialfarm.com

Produced by Geneva Lake Creative http://genevalakecreative.com

For a design consultation contact Roy at roydiblik@gmail.com
Buy Roy’s book here: https://amzn.to/2wJHSEv

#carex #blackpointlakegeneva #shadegarden
