![EASY GARDENING TIPS](https://www.easygardeningtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Gardening-logo-03-final-768x768.png)
People are now growing vegetables on roofs and balconies of their homes, Too grow vegetables in a pot, you don’t need a lot of space. Hybrid plants are good for growing vegetables in pots. There are some easy vegetables to grow in pots. These vegetables require less space. Some vegetables need a deep container. Some containers can be lightweight. Two vegetables with the same growing needs can be planted in the same container.
Image source: gardeningknowhow.com
Tomatoes are the easiest vegetable to grow in pots. Tomatoes should be grown in big containers. Bigger tomatoes need a bigger container. Small tomatoes can be planted in a small space. Tomatoes cannot grow in winters. Tomatoes need good sunlight to grow. The soil should be moist and deep. Watering should be done 2-3 times a week. Tomatoes can be harvested in 3 months.
Read Also: Which tomatoes are high in lycopene?
Image source: pinterest.com
Green beans have nice leaves and flowers. These make them one of the easiest vegetables to grow in pots. You can grow bushy beans that grow easily in pots. Or, you can plant run pole beans. These types of beans can climb walls. Porch Pick is a type under bushy beans. These are small in size. These grow in small spaces. These beans need sunlight to grow. The harvest is ready in around two months. Scarlet Runner is a type of run pole beans. It has red heart-shaped flowers in the plant. The beans get harvested in around two months.
Image source: youtube.com
Kale is also an easy vegetable to grow in pots. It takes less space to grow. You can make smoothies out of kale. You can sauté it. Kale can be used in salads. There are different varieties of kale like dwarf blue curled vates. It gives blue-green leaves. It gets harvested in two months. It needs sunlight to grow. There is another variety-Dwarf Siberian. The leaves are of bright green color. This kale has a sweet taste. It can grow in medium sunlight or bright sunlight. The harvest gets prepared in two months.
Image source: balconygardenweb.com
Spinach can be grown in both summers and winters. It is high in nutrients and is considered a healthy food and easiest vegetables to grow in pots. The container should be of big size. You can plant it after spring and then in the fall season. The plant is grown deep in the soil. It needs medium sunlight.
Image source: wincisurbanfoodgarden.com
Asparagus is a good vegetable to grow in a pot. It is high in nutrients and minerals. Asparagus can be grown after spring. Asparagus is added to salads. It can be cooked with butter. Asparagus needs a big container to grow. It is planted deep in the soil. It has to be watered for one time in a week. It needs medium sunlight to thrive.
Image source: natureandgarden.com
Peppers are another easy vegetable to grow in pots. These are high in iron and other nutrients. Peppers are used in pasta. These are also added to salads. Peppers can be planted after one month of spring. Cold weather is not good for peppers to grow. Peppers should be planted in a big container. These need deep planting. Watering has to be done 2-3 times a week. Pepper plants need full sunlight.
Image source: cleangreensimple.com
Potatoes are perennial vegetables that grow all year round. These can be easily planted in containers. These plants need full sunlight. The soil should be moist and full of nutrients. You have to layer soil again and again when you are planting potatoes. Potatoes need big containers to grow. Burlap bags or grow bags, and steel containers can be used to grow potatoes. Potatoes can be grown in buckets, laundry baskets, and with straw.
Image source: pinterest.com
Cucumbers are easy vegetables to grow in a pot. These can be grown all year round. Cucumber plants need good bright sunlight. These need heavy water. The soil should not get dry. There should be the use of compost also. The container for planting cucumbers should be large enough. These need a lot of space.
Read Also: Best expert advice on growing cucumbers
Image source: growagoodlife.com
Zucchinis are other easy vegetables to grow in a pot. Zucchinis need full sunlight to grow. These need nutrient-rich and acidic soil to grow. Zucchinis also need a trellis to grow properly for support. Zucchini plants are big in size. So, these need a big container. These need a lot of water also. You also have to add compost for better growth.
Image source: gardeningknowhow.com
For growing vegetables like herbs in the home, you can use milk containers and bottles. Use soil and compost for growing herbs. Window sills make a good place to keep the herb plants. This will give them good sunlight. The herbs should be watered two times a week. Do not water too much. Giving too much water can make the soil damp. And also, do not give less water to the herb plants. Pruning the herbs is important for better growth.
Image source: yardowner.com
You can grow Brussels sprouts at home. You can use plastic trays. You can add seeds to the soil. Then, cover the seeds with soil. Brussels sprouts need less light to grow. It takes 20 days to harvest.
Image source: pinterest.com
Carrots are easy vegetables to grow in the garden. These need sandy soil to grow. The soil should be soft. The soil should not be hard. Compost can be added to the soil. Carrots can grow in winters. Carrots need good sunlight. The seeds of carrots should be placed with spacing. The soil should be watered.
Image source: finegardening.com
Yellow Summer Squash is an easy vegetable to grow in the garden. The summer squash plants should get a lot of sunlight. Squash grows like vines. So, there should be a lot of space in the garden for them to grow. Trellis can be used for this. Squash needs water often. Fertilization should be done in a month. The squash can be picked when it gets a yellow color.
Image source: balconygardenweb.com
Growing vegetables in containers is good as it requires less space as compared to gardens. For making it more beautiful to look at, you can add bright-colored containers. You can use recycled containers. This is good for environmental sustainability. The containers can be of different sizes to add variety. Use different colored vegetables to add color. The area around the containers - where they are kept should be decorated with nice textures and designs.
Image source: joegardener.com
Winter squash is a good vegetable for container gardening. Winter squash plant takes up a lot of space. This is because it has vines. So, you can use a trellis for support. The container should be large for a winter squash plant.
Image source: balconygardenweb.com
Cabbage is a good vegetable for container gardening. It is an annual vegetable. It can be planted in containers. It can be planted with other vegetables like sweet corn. You can add flower plants also. Cabbage plants need a lot of sunlight. The soil should be moist for the cabbage plant. The soil should not have a lot of clay and sand. Add compost to make it loose.
By Bhawna